Is Your Life Full or Fulfilling? Jessica Zimmerman on Social Selling Simplified Podcast


There’s a difference between a full life and a fulfilled life.

That’s what Ashley Shaw and I talked about on her Social Selling Simplified Podcast.

Like many entrepreneurs, there was a time when I spent every waking hour building my business. My life felt full— so full that I didn’t have a single extra minute for being with my family, taking a long shower, or putting on real pants. Can you relate?

Which also meant that I wasn’t taking time to reflect and realize that while my life was full, I wasn’t feeling fulfilled. Once I was forced to reflect about what was working or wasn’t working in my life in general, l was able to get really honest about what I wanted from my business and what I was willing to give back to it.

That’s when I found fulfillment and purpose in my business and in my personal life.

If you want to hear more about what it looks like to wake up to yourself and build a business and a life you love, listen to this podcast episode on Social Selling Simplified!

Build a Business and Life you Love
Jessica Zimmerman on Social Selling Simplified with Ashley Shaw