Our Kids' Wellness Routine


It’s cold and flu season, y’all!

It seems pretty unfair that the normal flu and regular colds exist during a worldwide pandemic, but guess what?

They do!

Now, hopefully the precautions we’re continuing to take because of COVID will also help prevent colds and the flu this Fall and Winter, but I like to take a few extra steps to make sure these three little kids in my home are supporting their immune systems and staying well.

Here’s what we use every day to keep their immunity strong


Whole Food Vitamin

I’m such a fan of these vitamins. They’re chewable vitamins that also include a probiotic and are made of organic fruits and vegetables. We try to eat five colors each day, because food is the best medicine, but I like knowing that we have these vitamins as a backup.


Gummy Probiotic

Ever since Brian’s illness, which I write about in my book Sleeping With a Stranger, we’ve learned how incredibly important gut health is. I’d argue that overall wellness starts in the gut. That’s why I’m so glad that I found a probiotic that has the highest number of “good” bacteria I’ve been able to find, and in a gummy form that basically tastes like candy.


Vitamin D Gummy

Okay, whatever your interaction with COVID-19 is, there are studies showing that there is a strong correlation between vitamin-D deficiency and COVID-19 contraction.

Vitamin D is what you get from the sun, which, surprise surprise, is harder for us to get access to and absorb in the Winter! So many people are deficient in vitamin D, which can act more like a hormone than a vitamin. It’s a huge component in mood and general wellness, so it’s an essential component to our wellness routine.


KidScents GeneYus

We’ve been schooling from home for a bunch of reasons, some of which will be announced in just a few short days! We’ve been loving it, but the transition from playtime to school time can be more tricky. When it’s time to sit down and focus, I love using the KidScents GeneYus oil to help create a relaxed, focused school environment.


Propolis Throat Spray for Kids

You may recognize this propolis spray from my personal morning wellness routine. There’s a kid’s version! It’s just as easy as the adult option, and I feel like I’m putting a shield of nature’s goodness on my kid’s throats every day.

These are the wellness products we use to arm up every day, and I’m so thankful we have tools to proactively protect ourselves during cold and flu season.

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