Five Essentials for My Daily Green Smoothie


Just two short years ago, I knew next to nothing about nutrition.

I had no idea what macros were, I drank a large Dr. Pepper from Sonic every day, and I just felt blah all. of. the. time.

Then, I met Cara Clark at a retreat and knew I needed to work with her to get my wellness on track.

She taught me everything I now know about how to fuel my body so I can live the life I want. For me, that means keeping up with my three kids, eating the rainbow so I get my vitamins, and using food as medicine to keep me well.

So I swapped my Sonic drive-through soda for a daily green smoothie.

By now, most people know the typical green smoothie ingredients. Fruit. Veggies. Almost always kale, right?

But today, I’m sharing my favorite not-so-obvious essential ingredients for my favorite daily smoothie.


Vitamix Blender

It’s my opinion that if you do something everyday, you should do it well. This blender is the best way to make my daily smoothie a breeze. I love that it’s powerful enough to get the spinach, kale, ice, blueberries, or mango really incorporated so that my smoothie is as smooth and silky as my favorite from Whole Foods. If you read my blog about my favorite kitchen items, you know I look for perfection with my appliances. This one makes the cut.


Chia Seeds

If you’ve ever had a smoothie and then, a few hours (or minutes) later thought to yourself, “Dang it, I’m hungry again!” you’ve got to add chia seeds to the mix!

Chia seeds are a great quick way to add fiber to your diet, which keeps you feeling full! This brand is organic and super convenient since I can just get it Prime delivered to my house.


Flax Seeds

Flax seeds work similarly to chia seeds, and I like using them together. Unlike the chia seeds, flax seed does have a slight taste, but it’s nutty and mild and actually makes my smoothies taste better, I think. Why do we need both chia and flax? No idea. Cara told me to.

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Collagen Peptides

Okay, collagen peptides basically help fix everything that could be going wrong in your body. Dull skin? Weak nails and bones? Gut issues? Wrinkles? Joint pain?

Collagen peptides help all of it. But all collagen is not equal. Some taste chalky or don’t mix well or are flavored and taste really artificial.

Not this collagen. I take it in my daily smoothie, but I could just as easily add it to a glass of juice or even water. I can’t taste it, and if anything, it makes drinks tasted smoother, not chalkier. It is a must-have!


Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is basically nature’s multivitamin. It’s a perfect pre or post workout supplement, which is great for me as I usually run either right before or right after I drink my smoothie. Bee pollen is my favorite way of boosting my daily vitamins so I can support my immunity, especially heading into cold and flu season!

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And there you have it!

My five essentials for boosting a typical green smoothie. Since I can’t justify buying my favorite Whole Foods green smoothie every day, this is how I make my homemade version taste just as good and keep me healthy so I can keep living this life I love for as long as possible!

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