Zimmerman Podcast Episode 114: A High Vibe Life: The Energy that Got You Here Can’t Take You There
Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 114: A High Vibe Life: The Energy that Got You Here Can’t Take You There
The reason so many of us feel the opposite of content is because we aren’t living in alignment.
Alignment– which is unique and different for every soul because each soul is uniquely created by God, by the energy of unconditional love, and each soul has its own unique path and this will look different for everyone– is when the thoughts you think, match the feelings you feel, match the words you say, match the actions you portray.
When everything is on the same page, you don’t have that experience of feeling one way yet rationalizing yourself into believing the opposite.
In today's podcast, you'll find out what that looked like in my own life…
The absolute lowest frequencies of energy
What happens when you choose a high vibrational life
Ego Self vs. Higher Self and what that means
Listen to the podcast audio or you can watch the episode with the play buttons below
Not starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself.
For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Join me, on The Path Back to You.
My brand new course, The Path Back to You isn't about starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself. For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Join me, on The Path Back to You. And just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off. https://jessicazimmerman.com/the-path-back-to-you-course
My first post on energy (also podcast episode 113): https://jessicazimmerman.com/blog/everything-is-energy
My Dark Night of the Soul (also podcast episode 108): https://jessicazimmerman.com/blog/uncovering-divine-femininity-the-dark-night-of-the-soul
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