Smart Marketing for Creatives | JZ on Thrive by Design Podcast


If you’ve been here for more than a minute, then you know that I’m passionate about Pinterest!

Why? The truth is, whether it’s my favorite nail polish, wellness products, or marketing plan, I only share about things that actually work.

So when I got the chance to share about Pinterest on Tracy Matthew’s Thrive by Design Podcast, I didn’t hold back!

Tracy and I talked about why your dream clients get on Pinterest looking to be sold to, how you can create pins that stand the test of time, and why visual search engines are the best bet for your creative business.

Want some free Pinterest tips? Give my interview with Tracy a listen below!

If you love Tracy’s episode, make sure to check out her visit on my podcast here.

Pinterest Tips from a Wedding Industry Insider
Jessica Zimmerman on Thrive by Design Podcast with Tracy Matthews

Image by Heather Payne