Too Comfortable with Negative Emotions
For those who resonate with this…
In many ways, I think we’ve become too comfortable with negative emotions.
Bitterness, resentment, shame, anxiety…these aren’t natural byproducts of being alive but our inner guide (God) showing us that we are not in alignment with our desire, our core energy.
It’s your brain (your mortal, human thing) mismatching with your soul (your eternal, God thing).
We’ve trained ourselves to endure negative emotions. We’ve been conditioned to believe that uneasy feelings are normal. We’ve been taught to suffer rather than listen to our inner knowing.
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I’ve talked before about how you’re responsible for the energy you bring into a space. Well, my friend, you are also responsible for the energy you allow yourself to sit in. It may not be easy, but it is simple, and the more you remove the toxic energy, the negativity in your life, the more space you will open up for the answers to come, for how to bring in more of what you truly desire. When you feel a negative emotion, it’s your job, no one else’s, to remove or adjust whatever is causing it. That simple.
We were made in God’s image. We are the co-creators of our lives. He doesn’t want you sitting in negativity. He wants to get to the good stuff!! The negative emotion is the divine saying, “Hey this isn’t the way to the good stuff. You feel that feeling you have right now? If you go further down this path, that feeling gets worse. Good news is you can turn around!”
But you have free will. And your free will combined with our conditioning to endure negative emotions has KEPT so many from living a truly satisfying authentic life.
How much longer will you allow the negativity? We have to, even though it’s hard, remove ourself from energy that gives us negative emotion so that we can live the life we were brought here to live.
Bottom line: negative emotions, if you allow them, if you’re willing to take action, are a call to action, the most powerful catalyst for positive change.
Life is too short to be in a perpetual state of longing.
So much love to each of you!